Liverpool have been together since 1979 and have established themselves as Sweden´s most popular Beatles tribute band.

Band member Olle Nilsson won the Swedish equivalent of "Stars in Their Eyes" in 1994 wich really brought the band to the attention of the Swedish press, and they have subsequently appeared on many television programmes while also managing to tour almost constantly both in Sweden and in many other countries. They have frequent concerts with symphony orchestras, arrangements made by band member Ronnie.

They have performed at 12 times at the annual Beatles Festival in Liverpool and have made a recording, "HUMANS" by Olle, at Abbey Road for the CD "Why don´t we do it in Abbey Road". "Listen out for Liverpool´s contribution to the Abbey Road CD, it´s a killer of a track!" (Cavern City Tours, Liverpool)

In 2003 Liverpool released a CD album with original music, featuring "Love is All", their contribution to the Eurovision Song Contest 2003.

Except in Sweden, they tour in Germany, England, Italy, Spain, Denmark and Finland and are often hired by Company events. 

Since 1994 they regurlarly perform together with symphony Orchestras, most recently 2019 in Moscow, with conductor Ulf Wadenbrandt (see "photos").

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